For properties, there are various types of properties like houses, bungalows, factories, lodges, hotels or restaurants, farm houses, hospitals, agricultural land, offices, sites, plots etc. To consult an experienced competent Vastu consultant before buying properties better. If the property is accepted by Vishu Pandit, then residents have to contact a senior intelligent advocate regarding any such case related to the property, if the attorney has certified that there is no lawsuit in the property and it is for buying It is clear but the house or factory, office, business firm, institution, vacant site, plot or apartment flat. Vastu houses for properties, houses, Nglon, factories, lodges, hotels or restaurants, farm houses, hospitals, agricultural land, offices, sites, plots, etc. are properties of different types like.  

Legal opinion is also the most important beer to buy properties. If there is no dispute in the courts and no lawsuit, then register the property with respect to the respected owners by paying the consideration amount.

Before buying property, consult the property's neighbors and ask about the reasons for the sale of the property by the previous owner.

Therefore the resident can be assured of enjoying the benefits of such property. It is a good idea to take help of Vastu Consultant before purchasing property, do not forget or neglect. It is quite likely that some huge flaws have to be driven by the vendor, it is safer to take help of the specialist

Do one thing after registration. Just give a gift to the previous owners, depending on the valuation of the property, it can be bigger or smaller, due to this small party, the present owner can feel happy with you and they forget the pain of selling their property. 
At the time of registration, the then owner can not cry in front of everyone, but he may suffer great pain in them, with your gift they can forget the pain temporarily or permanently.

Distribute some sweets to your loved ones or make sweets in the house and invite your closest friends who want your happiness or who wish for your prosperous development and serve them with sweets and savories, with a mandatory dessert Better to eat good food, before all these, firstly give some sweets to God (Lord / God), whom you regularly pray.

If residents have children then offer them some gifts / sweets / chocolates, a little secret gift to your wife. So you have been happy with the relationships and friends around you. The distribution of sweet information should not be told to the previous owners, they should not know about it.
                 Like these points, not written in any Vaastu books, these thoughts came only through experiences and observations and some discussions were done with the elderly and the vendors and the buyers. If everybody is satisfied, your children will be smooth in the future.

By reading to all, some people can be thought that this is "fool", but after inquiries from many vendors and buyers, we find some secret of happy life and secure future and after a big discussion with many elders, we came to know That "Prasad after consideration" buyers have grand ideas for a happy life. Everyone has to satisfy. This is the primary cognitive skill.

If you do not want to follow Vaastu Shastra or you do not like the word giant scripture, then make a simple point, already you have decided to improve / modify / change your new property, just the Vaastu word and Forget the improvement provided by a Vastu Specialist. You are not losing anything except your payment fee. There is no need to trust the word "Vaastu", just doIt assures a good future for your children and your next generation. Vastu Shastra tips always bring cheers in someone's future. Only follow a huge sounded voice. Do not receive recommendations from the market half-knowledge Vaastu consultants or quacks.

Some property owners are seldom trying to invite the best Vaastu consultants for their new qualities, but suddenly they turn into quacks in the market after listening to high fee payments to architect experts. This information below can be useful for someone who wants to buy a new property.

Before buying a conspiracy / site / home, no other idea is available, first show that specialist with a specialist Vastu Consultant and only decide to buy or buy.

Avoid buying plots:

If there is a water body in the western part, then it does not buy the property

If there is a lake of water on the south side, then do not buy that property.

If there is a hill on the eastern side, do not buy it.

If there is a large apartment towards the north, do not buy it.

If the property is focused on the road, then first show that

 property to a specialist and then decide to buy or leave it.

Normally these properties are good for buying:

Northeast extension properties.

Mountain towards south direction.                                                                                                                                                             Hills towards the west direction.

Water bodies towards the north direction

Boar well eastwards

These giant science tips are only for your small information purpose, our honest suggestions please do not make any decision without expert Vastu consultant guidance.


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