Tailang Swami;Fantastic Hindu Yogi Of Beneras

FANTASTIC HINDU YOGI                                  TAILANG SWAMI

  Tailang Swami, reportedly 1607]–1887was a Hindu yogi and mystic immortalize for his immaterial powers who lived in Varanasi, India.] He is a legendary price in Bengal, with history told of his yogic powers and long-livednes. According to some narration, Tailanga Swami lived to be 280 donkey’s years primitive] abide at Varanasi between 1737 and 1887He is observe by consecrate as an incarnation of Shiva. Sri Ramakrishna referred to him as "The perambulation Shiva of Varanasi
He was born in Kumbilapuram (now known as Kumili of Puspatirega Tehisil) at Vizianagaram District in Andhra Pradesh, with the name of Shivarama. His biographers and his disciples differ on his birth epoch and the period of his longevity. According to one learner biographer, he was innate in 1529, while according to another biographer it was 1607. His biography has been written by Biruduraju Ramaraju as one volume of his six volume project Āndhra yōgulu.

His parents were Narashingha Rao and Vidyavati Devi, who were devotees of Shiva. After the death of his adopt in 1647, at the age of 40, he gave up wealth and family responsibilities to his moiety brother Sridhar. His mother then shared with him the fact that her father at the delay of death expressed desire to be innate to her and continue his Kali sadhana for the benefit of masculine. She told Sivarama that she think that he was her sire (his own goodsire) reincarnated and that he should take up Kali sadhana. In 1669 his mamma died. After her death, he deducting her ashes (chita bhasma). He would veer her ashes and unite his Kali sadhana age and night (teevra sadhana). During that tempo, Sivarama lived the life of a seclude in a lodge, build by his behalf-brother, nearly a burning field. After 20 years of spiritual practice (sadhana), he met his teache swami, Bhagirathananda Saraswati, in 1679 from the Punjab. Bhagirathananda initiated Shivaram into monastic vows (sannyasa) and named him Swami Ganapati Saraswati in 1685. Ganapati reportedly led a animation of cutting austerities and journey on a pilgrimage, deceive Prayag in 1733, before lastly settling in Varanasi in 1737.

In Varanasi, till his release in 1887, he lived at different employment including Asi Ghat, the Vedavyas Asharama at Hanuman Ghat, Dashashwamedh Ghat. He was often found rove the streets or the ghats, "carefree as a brat". He was reportedly seen vertigo or floating on the river Ganges for hours. He speak very little and at times not at all. A number of lede became influence to him upon audience of his yogic powers to ameliorate their sufferings. During his hinder in Varanasi, several famous contemporary Bengalis given as pir met and relate him, including Loknath Brahmachari, Benimadhava Brahmachari, Bhagaban Ganguly, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Mahendranath Gupta, Lahiri Mahasaya,[4] and Swami Abhedananda., Bhaskarananda, Vishuddhananda, and Vijaykrishna. and Sadhak Bamakhepa .

After seeing Tailanga, Ramakrishna said, "I discourse that the unlimited Lord Himself was using his body as a vehicle for disclosure. He was in an exalted height of notice. There was no person-consciousness in him. Sand there became so passionate in the insolate that no one could set spurn on it. But he lay comfortably on it."Ramakrishna also settled that Trailanga was a kingly paramahanslit:"Supreme swan", manner as an honorific for a spiritual teacher) and that "all Benares was illuminated by his stay there."

Trailanga had taken the vow of non-seeking (ayachaka)—remaining satisfied with whatever he retainIn the later station of his life, as his celebrity scatter, pack of pilgrims visited him. During his last days, he took up active probable a python (ajagaravritti) in which he sat still without any movement, and devotees poured calender (abhisheka) on him from early morning prepare culmination, glance upon him as a flowing granulation of Shiva
He died on Monday vespertine, December 26, 1887. His substance was given salilasamadhi in the Ganges, correspondingly to the funeral customs of the monks of the Dashanami sect, in the presence of sorrow devotees lasting on the ghatsThere are many stories told throughout Telang and his intellectual powers, such that he has become a near mythical figure in India. Robert Arnett writes that his miracles are "well muniment" and "he displayed miraculous powers that cannot be scout as myth" and that there were living bystander to his "surprising feats". He was consider to have lived to be around 300 ages, and was a larger-than-biography figure, reportedly weighing over 300 penfold (140 kg), though he seldom ate. One account pret. quoth that he could "declare people’s minds inclination leger.".

On many occasions, he was accomplished to drink destructive poisons with no iniquitious result. In one instance, a minimifidian wanted to discover him as a fraud. The prior was accustomed to break his far-reaching tenacious with drive of clabbered exploit, so the unbeliever brought him a bucket of calcium-lime mixture used for parget walls instead. The monk drank the unqualified bucket with no ill effect—instead, the skeptic intent to the ground writhing in agonize. The religieux impoverished his wonted whist to explain the justice of karma, of cause and effect.

According to another tale, he often walked around the Varanasi police were scandalized by his behaviour, and had him ringlet in a jail cell. He was readily skilled on the prison roof, in all his "sky-clad" glory. The to put him back into his locked vacuole, only to see him seem again on the jail roof. They readily gave up, and impede him again walk the streets of Varanasi

Thousands of people reportedly saw him levitating in a sedent posture on the epipolic of the river Ganges for days at a time. He would also apparently vanish under the waves for lingering periods, and reappear unharmedSivananda attributed some of his miracles to the siddhi or yogic power Bhutajaya — conquest over the five elements, "Fire will not cauterize such a Yogi. Water will not drown him.’’self-reveal source?.


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